Basic approach
TAIYO YUDEN believes that in order for a company to achieve sustainable growth, it is important to meet the demands and expectations of stakeholders, appropriately manage anticipated risks, fulfill social responsibilities by contributing to social development, and gain widespread social trust.
Therefore, at TAIYO YUDEN, we define CSR as "compliance, risk management, and contribution to society," and define CSR activities as activities related to compliance and risk management in accordance with the "CSR Charter (TAIYO YUDEN Group Charter on Social Responsibility)" and "CSR Code of Conduct (TAIYO YUDEN Group Code of Conduct on Social Responsibility)," which we are implementing across the entire Group.
Promotion system
TAIYO YUDEN's CSR activities are overseen by the Internal Control Committee, and compliance promotion activities are operated by a system in which executives and HQ departments are appointed for each article of the CSR Code of Conduct as promotion organizations, and each Group company implements activities according to the activity policies and group-wide rules provided by them.
Risk management activities are operated by a system in which each division takes responsibility for promoting appropriate risk identification, evaluation, and countermeasures by each Group company, based on the major risks and countermeasures indicated by the executives and HQ departments appointed for each target risk.
Risk Management
- Aim of risk management
- We aim to minimize losses and maximize profits and corporate value by identifying risks in overall company management, implementing effective preventive measures and response measures in the event of occurrence based on the evaluation of impact and probability of occurrence, according to the magnitude of the risk.
- Risk management activities
- We list legal regulations that must be complied with and risks that affect business activities, and plan and implement compliance procedures for legal regulations and risk reduction measures. We also add new legal regulations and risks to the list as needed, and re-evaluate existing legal regulations and risks annually to ensure that their compliance procedures and reduction measures are appropriate, striving to thoroughly comply with legal regulations and prevent and minimize the occurrence of risks.
- Aim of compliance promotion
- We are working on activities with the aim of ensuring compliance by extracting laws, regulations, and rules and appropriately understanding the compliance status.
- Compliance activities
We have designated departments responsible for each unit of content in TAIYO YUDEN Group "CSR Code of Conduct" and are implementing compliance activities.
To deepen understanding of TAIYO YUDEN Group
"CSR Code of Conduct," we have created a "CSR Code of Conduct Handbook" that expresses the code of conduct in concise documents and illustrations in 11 languages (Japanese, English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Malay, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Nepali, Burmese) and distributed it to all executives and employees. We conduct group training for all relevant employees at times such as when joining the company or being promoted, and conduct annual e-learning for all employees.
- Internal reporting system
- TAIYO YUDEN Group has introduced an internal reporting system with the aim of early detection and correction of acts that violate or may violate the "CSR Code of Conduct," such as socially inappropriate or illegal entertainment and gifts, bribery, relationships with antisocial forces, and facilitation payments.
We have established internal reception desks at TAIYO YUDEN and domestic and overseas affiliated companies, as well as external reception desks that can handle local languages and multiple languages. It is also possible to report or consult directly with the Audit and Supervisory Committee desk. We have established rules for managing matters that identify whistleblowers, prohibiting retaliation against whistleblowers, and prohibiting the search for whistleblowers, and we operate with full consideration for the protection of whistleblowers, while also allowing anonymous reports.
The internal reporting system is publicized through the company's internal website, posters displayed in the company, distribution of leaflets, and annual education for all employees.
In fiscal year 2023, we received 65 reports through TAIYO YUDEN Group common desk and individual subsidiary desks.
Prevention of bribery
Basic approach
TAIYO YUDEN Group strives to prevent socially inappropriate or illegal entertainment and gifts, bribery, and facilitation payments based on the "CSR Code of Conduct (TAIYO YUDEN Group Code of Conduct on Social Responsibility)," in addition to complying with laws and regulations.
In addition, TAIYO YUDEN Group has established policies regarding politics and administration and responds based on the laws of each country and region.
- Article 15 (Prohibition of entertainment, gifts, and conflicts of interest)
1.Entertainment and gifts to customers and entertainment and gifts from business partners are limited to the minimum necessary within the bounds of social norms, maintaining a moderate relationship.
2.Entertainment and gifts within TAIYO YUDEN Group are prohibited, maintaining a fair relationship.
3.We do not engage in acts that go against the interests of TAIYO YUDEN Group and lead to the benefit of ourselves or third parties.
- Article 16 (Politics, Administration, and Anti-Social Forces)
1.To maintain a sound and normal relationship with politics and administration, we do not engage in bribery or actions that may cause misunderstanding.
Countermeasures and results
- Establishment of internal regulations
TAIYO YUDEN Group considers the following as risks of bribery:
Entertainment and gifts to public officials
Entertainment and gifts to customers (sales partners and agents)
Entertainment and gifts from suppliers
Therefore, TAIYO YUDEN Group has established the "TAIYO YUDEN Group Regulations on Entertainment, Gifts, Anti-Bribery, and Conflicts of Interest" for the prevention of bribery and has also established guidelines for each country and region.
In particular, entertainment and gifts to public officials are considered a significant risk as they can lead to compliance issues, and are therefore strictly regulated. -
- Education
TAIYO YUDEN Group continuously provides annual education to executives and employees (including temporary and contract employees).
Overseas Group companies also conduct continuous training based on local situations to raise awareness. - Results
- In fiscal year 2023, no cases of administrative disposition or criminal punishment related to bribery were confirmed.