

Basic Policy

In addition to complying with laws and regulations, TAIYO YUDEN Group is striving to prevent entertainment, gifts, bribery and facilitation payments that are socially inappropriate or violate laws and regulations based on the "TAIYO YUDEN Group Code of Conduct on Social Responsibilities (CSR Code of Conduct)".
Furthermore, we have established "Anti-Cartel Regulation" to thoroughly prohibit cartels throughout the company.

CSR Code of Conduct

Measures and Achievements

Risk assessment

TAIYO YUDEN Group defines the following as bribery risks.

  • Entertainment and gifts for civil servants
  • Entertainment and gifts to clients (sales partners, agents)
  • Entertainment and gifts from suppliers

Of these, entertainment and gifts to civil servants are evaluated as a significant risk because they lead to compliance problems. We have established "Regulations on entertainment/gifts and antibribery by TAIYO YUDEN Group" regarding bribery prevention, and have established guidelines for each country/region.


As for Internal Control of TAIYO YUDEN Group, under the supervision of Board of Directors, Internal Control Committee should take the leadership.
Compliance Subcommittee and Risk Management Subcommittee have been established as sub-committees of Internal Control Committee and are responsible for conducting risk assessments in relation to anti-corruption, and compliance including bribery.
The activities of Compliance Subcommittee and Risk Management Subcommittee are reported to Internal Control Committee twice a year, and the activities of Internal Control Committee are reported to the Board of Directors once a year to ensure that they are appropriate.
We also continuously conduct audits and the results are reported to the directors through Internal Control Committee.

TAIYO YUDEN Group shares ”TAIYO YUDEN Group CSR Procurement Guidelines (CSR Procurement Requirements)” with our suppliers to reduce bribery risks.
In addition, TAIYO YUDEN Group evaluate suppliers using the "CSR Self-Check Sheet" and do business with suppliers that meet our standards, including the prevention of business entertainment and bribery.


TAIYO YUDEN Group provides ongoing CSR education to its officers and employees (including temporary and contract employees).
In addition to education on CSR Code of Conduct as a whole, education on particularly important issues is conducted as individual education, either in person or via e-Learning, each year.
Examples of individual education: entertainment and gifts, anti-social forces, protection of personal information, whistle-blowing, etc.
Group companies outside of the country also provide ongoing training based on local conditions to raise awareness.


There was no disciplinary action or fines in FY2023.

Relationships with Politics and Government

TAIYO YUDEN Group has established a policy regarding politics and government and comply with laws in each country and region.

Policy (CSR Code of Conduct Article 16-1)

In order to maintain healthy and proper relationship with politics and government, bribe-giving and misleading acts shall be never made.

There was no Political Donation in FY2023.