CSR Management

CSR Charter and CSR Code of Conduct

TAIYO YUDEN Group's management philosophy is to support the happiness of employees, contribute to local communities, and take responsibility for producing dividends for shareholders. The Group works hard to build good relationships with all stakeholders and to raise corporate value.
To present this way of thinking more clearly to stakeholders, in 2005 the CSR Charter (TAIYO YUDEN Group's Charter on Social Responsibility) was established.
The following year, in 2006, specific action policies were established to ensure that employees adhere to the letter and spirit of the CSR Charter in the form of a CSR Code of Conduct (Code of Conduct Regarding Social Responsibilities of TAIYO YUDEN Group).

CSR Charter

CSR Code of Conduct

CSR Communication

TAIYO YUDEN Group proactively implements training aiming to disseminate and understand CSR.

We provide the CSR Code of Conduct Handbook, which has simple explanation and illustration of the code in six languages (Japanese, English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, and Malay), to all executives and workers.

When enter the company and get promoted, the related workers have group training, and also all workers have e-Learning on an annual basis. Furthermore, the executive management regularly has a seminar by an external lecturer.

CSR Activities Promotion Framework

In the Group's CSR activities, overall management is provided by the Internal Control Committee. The promotion organization is comprised of officers in charge and HQ divisions appointed for each provision of the Code of Conduct and each applicable risk, and management is carried out according to a system (the Compliance and Risk Management System) implemented by each group company in accordance with the activity policy and rules in common established by the promotion organization.

Whistleblowing System

TAIYO YUDEN Group has introduced Whistleblowing System for the purpose of early detection and correction of acts that are or will come into violate of the CSR Code of Conduct, such as socially inappropriate or illegal entertainment, bribery, relations with anti-social forces and facilitation payments.
In addition to internal contact points at TAIYO YUDEN and its domestic and oversea companies, contact points have also been set up outside the company to provide support in local languages and in multiple languages.
And, the auditors could be directly notified and consulted. The system is operated in full consideration of the protection of whistleblowers, with provisions for the management of whistleblowers' names, prohibition of retaliation for whistleblowers and prohibition of identification of whistleblowers, as well as allowing anonymous reporting.
Whistleblowing System is made known through the company website, posters and leaflets displayed and distributed within the company, as well as through annual training for all employees.
In FY2023, we received 65 reports are received at the Groupwide Whistle-blowing Contact point and at each subsidiary's hotline.

CSR Management System

TAIYO YUDEN Group has built a CSR management system to achieve the goals set forth in our CSR Charter and assure compliance with the CSR Code of Conduct.
In carrying out CSR activities, we follow the provisions of our Code of Conduct and comply with laws and regulations as a matter of course. We also have a framework and rules in place for promoting proper conduct and all of our group sites employ a management system based on the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle.
These activities are checked through internal audits and a notification system. An annual review of CSR performance is conducted and activities are continually being improved.

Compliance and Risk Management

At TAIYO YUDEN compliance and risk management is a key activity of our CSR management system.
The laws and regulations that require compliance are listed by organization along with the risks that might adversely affect business, and regulatory compliance procedures and risk mitigation measures are drafted and implemented as part of the system.
New laws/regulations and risks are regularly added to the list and the compliance procedures and mitigation measures pertaining to existing laws/regulations and risks are reassessed for aptness each fiscal term. We are making thorough efforts to achieve regulatory compliance and prevent and minimize risks.