Achievement Levels for Medium-Term Environmental Targets

We set medium-term environmental targets for the Group, and all sites pursue environment impact improvement.

TAIYO YUDEN Group Environmental Targets and Results

“Strengthening responses to climate change” and “efficiently using resources and helping to build a recycling-based society” have been set as the materialities of environmental efforts. To respond especially to climate change, which is a global issue, the targets have been set with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality. To achieve these targets, we will be diligent at saving, generating, and re-using the energy that drives our manufacturing based on the principle of decarbonization.
To reduce the absolute value of GHG emissions, we set target values in accordance with the SBTs (Science-Based Targets).

Medium-Term Environmental Targets Performance
Prevention of global warming Global GHG absolute emissions
Reduction by 42% in FY2030
*compared to FY2020
Reduction of 13.5% in FY2023
Biodiversity conservation Effective use of resources by reducing consumption Global Intensity waste generation (Production output)
Reduction by 10% in FY2025
*compared to FY2020
Increase of 1.9% in FY2023
Intensity water use (Production output)
Reduction by 10% in FY2025
*compared to FY2020
Reduction of 7.6% in FY2023
Biodiversity conservation Cyclic use of resources by reuse and recycling Japan Waste final disposal volume rate
0.1% annually
0.0% in FY2023
Waste final disposal volume rate
12% annually
13.9% in FY2023
Biodiversity conservation Nature conservation activities in local areas Global Continue nature conservation activities in local areas (such as forests) Continued afforestation, forest maintenance, extermination of non-native species, etc.
Environmental risk management Global Compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations Complied with all applicable laws and regulations
Maintain zero accidents that affect the ecosystem and carry out ongoing training Maintained zero accidents that affect the ecosystem and conducted periodic emergency training
Contribution through environmentally friendly products Global Development of smart products Continued development of smart products, which reduce environmental impact through downsizing, etc.
Regulatory compliance for chemicals contained in products
Complied with regulations for chemicals contained in products