Contributing to Communities

Our corporate approach is to coexist harmoniously with the local communities. We contribute to communities, such as holding and participating in volunteer activities and charity events, interacting with communities and providing factory tours.

Environmental Beautification

Community Beautification [TAIYO YUDEN Group Sites]

TAIYO YUDEN Group holds local environmental beautification in various places, including roads around the sites and local parks, together with people in the community.

  • Niigata Taiyo Yuden
    Niigata Taiyo Yuden


TAIYO YUDEN (PHILIPPINES) has afforested in Central-Cebu-National Park since 2003.

Biodiversity Action Case

Niigata Taiyo Yuden have lead a biodiversity conservation activity to exterminate crayfish and alien plants such as daisy fleabanes since 2013.
Since 2008, Taiyo Yuden (Philippines) has planted mangrove seedlings, attracting increasing attention as a CO2 absorption source, on Olango Island, near Mactan Island where the company is located. Mangroves, which serve as habitats for shrimp and fish, play an important role in aquatic biodiversity.

  • Niigata Taiyo Yuden
    Niigata Taiyo Yuden

Contribution to Communities

Donation to Fund for Orphans from Traffic Accidents

TAIYO YUDEN Group Sites in Japan make contributions to Sato Fund for Orphans from Traffic Accidents.
TAIWAN TAIYO YUDEN makes contributions to Relief Fund for Traffic Accident.
These funds were founded by Hikohachi Sato, the founder of TAIYO YUDEN, and supports orphans from traffic accidents for their school tuition, as well as traffic safety education.

Donation of Local Welfare Facilities [TAIYO YUDEN Group Sites]

TAIYO YUDEN Group Sites make contributions to local welfare facilities.
TAIYO YUDEN (PHILIPPINES) donates groceries to local welfare facilities, and also donated equipments for online lesson such as PC and printer to local elementary schools.
TAIYO YUDEN (GUANGDONG) donates groceries and electrical appliances to local nursing homes.


Interaction with Communities

Factory Tours [TAIYO YUDEN Group Sites]

TAIYO YUDEN Group provides factory tours with community as a means of mutual understanding.
NIIGATA TAIYO YUDEN provided factory tour for local elementary school students.

Science Class for Children [TAIYO YUDEN]

TAIYO YUDEN Group provides learning opportunities to attract interesting to science for children.
TAIYO YUDEN held science class for parent and an elementary school student. They studied about power generation.

Women's Softball Team Coaching [TAIYO YUDEN]

SOLFILLE established in 1984 is the women’s softball team in the Japan Diamond Softball League. The team plays a major role in inspiring not only employees, but also people in the local community and children through means such as holding softball classes for future players.

Blood Donation

Blood Donation [TAIYO YUDEN Group Sites]

TAIYO YUDEN Group organizes blood donation activities at the sites.